Yes, it is possible to get into law school with a 2.5 GPA.
But you might not be able to get into your first choice school(s).
In the article that follows, we’ll explain.
Can I Get Into Law School With a 2.5 GPA? (Explained)
Law school is possible with a 2.5 GPA if the remainder of your law school application is excellent.
This means a better than good LSAT score, a solid personal essay, sharp and interesting resume, useful life or work experience, and a persuasive explanation for why your GPA is what it is.
While an excellent GPA is important, as long as the LSAT is still a requirement, it will be weighed heavily in the application.
The LSAT is often considered a strong indicator as to whether the potential student will be able to succeed in the rigorous law school program.
A student with a strong LSAT but lukewarm GPA will not likely gain admission to the top tier schools, but a solid LSAT can help the student overcome bad undergraduate grades.
However, it is important to note that some schools have a minimum GPA to even be considered.
As you work through your applications, you’ll find that some schools just aren’t even an option.
You will have to apply to many schools, and perhaps to schools that you aren’t your first choice (or fourth or fifth).
Preparing To Apply With a 2.5 GPA
If you are dead set on law school (but aren’t happy with your GPA), the prevailing advice is to spend some extra time getting ready to apply and for law school itself.
The best way to get a good LSAT score is to study hard for it and to make it 100% of your focus.
This means maybe waiting to take the LSAT until after you’ve graduated, during a time when you aren’t working or participating in sports.
You might even splurge for an LSAT prep course.
You can use the gap months (or year) to work on your personal essay and resume.
You should not submit the first draft of your personal statement, and you should definitely have one or many people review it with you.
The same is true of your resume.
As resume is not just a list of stuff that you’ve done or places you’ve worked.
A resume is a one page piece of paper that communicates to the reader everything you have to offer.
I highly recommend that you have your resume reviewed by career services or someone who reviews resumes a lot to get some advice.
I’d also spend some time before applying doing some things that are interesting.
Even better if those interesting things involve you taking the lead on something, winning something, or achieving some lofty goal.
If you aren’t studying for the LSAT, you should be trying to gain valuable work experience in some way, paid or volunteer.
Bonus points to you if you can get that experience in the legal field in some way.
This could be working in the local legal aid office, with law enforcement, at the courthouse, with victim’s services, or with a law firm.
The time before applying to law school could also be spent networking.
Getting to know individuals in the legal world is immensely valuable to a law student, as these people can help guide a law student through the application process, through law school, to that first job, and beyond.
Should You Apply To Law School With a 2.5?
There are some people that would argue that a student with a GPA of only 2.5 should not apply to law school, because that GPA demonstrates the student is unlikely to be able to handle the rigor of the program.
I am on the other side of the fence on this.
As we know, GPA is just a number that rarely communicates anything about the rigor of the program that produced it.
A student studying hard science topics (calculus, physics, engineering) at a top university might struggle more to get an A (or even a B) than a student studying humanities at a community college.
The GPA alone means very little.
A student with a 2.5 should have a ‘real talk’ with himself or herself during the application process about whether law school is the right place for them.
Law school is very expensive, and many schools are considered “weed out” schools, meaning they aim to drop the bottom percentage of students each semester to make sure that the students who eventually make it to the end will go on to be successful.
Students who fail to complete law school still have to pay for the law school they attended.
The price tag on law school can be anywhere from $30k to $60k a year.
Law school dropouts are not really any more employable than someone who had the same experience but didn’t go to law school.
And the debt load would be significant.
If you are dead set on law school, go ahead and apply.
Once you get accepted, consider doing a legit law school prep course, commit to quitting and canceling all extracurriculars once school begins (including work, at least for the first year), and tell your family you’ll see them again in May.
Wrap Up
Thinking about applying to law school soon?
Check out our library of completely free articles aimed to help future law students.
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