Can a Lawyer Wear Pink? (Yes, but…)

Yes, lawyers can wear the color pink. But you’ll find that few lawyers do. In the article that follows, we’ll explain. Can a Lawyer Wear Pink? (Explained) Lawyers are subject to specific rules when it comes to appearance in court. However, those rules tell us pretty much that we need to wear suits (men need … Read more

Can Lawyers Have Beards? (Yes, but…)

Yes, lawyers can have beards. However, there are many reasons why lawyers choose not to wear them. In the article that follows, we’ll explain. Can Lawyers Have Beards? (Explained) While there are definitely rules in court governing what lawyers are supposed to wear, there is generally little to any guidance about facial hair, hairstyles (on … Read more

Can a Lawyer Have Two Jobs?

Yes, a lawyer can have more than one job, and many actually do. But it is not necessarily that simple. Let us explain. Can a Lawyer Have Two Jobs? (Explained) Sadly, working as an attorney isn’t as lucrative as it sounds like it should be. Law school (and the trappings of being a lawyer) are … Read more

Does Passing The Bar Make You a Lawyer?

This is a great question, actually. And answering the question is not that simple. Let us explain. Does Passing The Bar Make You a Lawyer? Everyone seems to have its own definitions for what it means to be a lawyer. It is common for some people (and even law schools) to say that an individual … Read more

Can Lawyers Have Long Hair? (Yes, But…)

In general, lawyers can have long hair. But for many reasons, most male lawyers choose to cut their hair for the legal setting. Let us explain. Can Lawyers Have Long Hair? (Explained) Disclaimer The contents of this web page are for informational purposes only, and nothing you read is intended to be legal advice. Please … Read more

Can Lawyers Have An OnlyFans? (Yes, But…)

In general, there’s nothing necessarily that will stop a lawyer from having an OnlyFans account. That being said, most lawyers (and law students) choose not to. Let us explain. Can Lawyers Have An OnlyFans? (Explained) Disclaimer The contents of this web page are for informational purposes only, and nothing you read is intended to be … Read more