Is It Illegal To Drive With Both Feet?

Answer: we cannot find a single law in any state in the United States which prohibits driving with both feet. That being said, a driver could still receive a citation for driving with both feet. In the article that follows, we’ll explain. Is It Illegal To Drive With Both Feet? (Explained) Disclaimer The contents of … Read more

Is It Illegal To Drive With Flip Flops?

Answer: we cannot find a single law in any state in the United States which prohibits driving with flip flops. That being said, a driver could still receive a citation for driving with flip flops. In the article that follows, we’ll explain. Is It Illegal To Drive With Flip Flops? (Explained) Disclaimer The contents of … Read more

Can You Report Reckless Driving After The Fact?

Answer: Yes, you can report a reckless driver anytime. That being said, the closer to the incident, the better for gathering evidence of a crime. In the article that follows, we’ll explain. Can You Report Reckless Driving After The Fact? (Explained) Disclaimer The contents of this web page are for informational purposes only, and nothing … Read more

How Likely Is Jail Time For Reckless Driving?

Answer: Honestly, it depends on where your case is and what you did to get the charge. In the article that follows, we’ll explain. How Likely Is Jail Time For Reckless Driving? (Explained) Disclaimer The contents of this web page are for informational purposes only, and nothing you read is intended to be legal advice. … Read more

Is It Illegal To Adjust Mirrors While Driving?

Answer: Technically, no, it is not illegal to adjust vehicle mirrors while driving, unless the act causes a violation of another traffic law, or risks harm to people or property. That being said, a person could still be cited. In the article that follows, we’ll explain. Is It Illegal To Adjust Mirrors While Driving? (Discussion) … Read more

Is It Illegal To Accelerate Fast?

Answer: Maybe. It depends on the state traffic laws and the circumstances, such as the speed limits, the road conditions, and whether there are people around. In the article that follows, we’ll explain. Is It Illegal To Accelerate Fast? (Discussion) Disclaimer The contents of this web page are for informational purposes only, and nothing you … Read more

Are Fuzzy Dice Illegal In California?

In order to stay away from any trouble and unwanted penalties, it’s vital to know exactly what you’re allowed to decorate your car with and what fluffy objects you need to stay away from. Are Fuzzy Dice Illegal in California? (Explained) Disclaimer The contents of this web page are for informational purposes only, and nothing … Read more

Going 40 Over The Speed Limit: Jail Time?

Despite what you might read on the internet, you could be facing jail time for getting caught going 40 mph over the speed limit, even if this is your first offense. In the article that follows, we’ll explain. Going 40 Over The Speed Limit: Jail Time? Disclaimer The contents of this web page are for … Read more

Is It Illegal To Change Lanes In An Intersection In Wisconsin?

It is usually legal to change lanes while passing another vehicle in an intersection in Wisconsin, as long as there are two lanes of approved, same-direction traffic. However, there are some exceptions to this.   Also, changing lanes on the approach to an intersection is problematic too. If within 100 feet of the intersection without … Read more