Wrongful Death Punitive Damages: Recoverable or Not?

Wrongful death punitive damages may be recoverable, but it depends upon the jurisdiction (court, location, specific statutes) that the case will proceed in. Wrongful Death Punitive Damages: The Basics Disclaimer The contents of this web page are for informational purposes only, and nothing you read is intended to be legal advice. Please review our disclaimer about … Read more

Are Wrongful Death Settlements Public Record? (Generally No, But…)

No, generally wrongful death settlements are not public record. However, in some isolated cases and situations, the records of a wrongful death settlement may be accessible by the public. Let us explain. Are Wrongful Death Settlements Public Record? (Why or Why Not?) Disclaimer The contents of this web page are for informational purposes only, and … Read more

Is Wrongful Death Civil Or Criminal?

Wrongful Death is the name given a civil case involving the death of someone who should not have otherwise died. It is not a criminal case. Is Wrongful Death Civil Or Criminal? (EXPLAINED) Disclaimer The contents of this web page are for informational purposes only, and nothing you read is intended to be legal advice. … Read more

How To Choose A Wrongful Death Attorney [14 Helpful Tips]

Choosing a wrongful death attorney should be something done after much research and care. Wrongful death cases are technical and require significant legal experience to handle. Attorneys need to be prepared to handle the legal issues, as well as the significant emotion stress and strain on the survivors. Sadly, most people in need of a … Read more